H2S + 2KOH 2H2O + K2S hydrogen sulfide potassium hydroxide water potassium sulfide
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Farther information about equation H2S + 2KOH → 2H2O + K2S

What is reaction condition of H2S (hydrogen sulfide) reacts with KOH (potassium hydroxide) ?

No information found for this chemical equation

Explanation: The ideal environmental conditions for a reaction, such as temperature, pressure level, catalysts, and solvent.Catalysts are substances that speed up the pace (velocity) of a chemical reaction without existence consumed or becoming office of the stop product.Catalysts take no upshot on equilibrium situations.

Bạn đang xem: H2s + koh = h2o + k2s

How reactions can happened and produce Water (water) and K2S (potassium sulfide) ?

In a full sentence, you lot can also say H2S (hydrogen sulfide) reacts with KOH (potassium hydroxide) and produce H2o (water) and K2S (potassium sulfide)

Phenomenon later H2S (hydrogen sulfide) reacts with KOH (potassium hydroxide)

This equation does not have any specific data almost miracle.

In this case, you lot just need to observe to run across if production substanceRb2S (potassium sulfide), appearing at the cease of the reaction.

Or if any of the following reactant substancesRbOH (potassium hydroxide), disappearing

What are other important informations you should know about reaction

Categories of equation

Further questions related to chemical reactions H2S + 2KOH → 2H2O + K2S

Questions related to reactant H2S (hydrogen sulfide)

What are the chemic and physical characteristic of H2S (hydrogen sulfide)?What are the chemical reactions that accept H2S (hydrogen sulfide) every bit reactant?

Questions related to reactant KOH (potassium hydroxide)

What are the chemical and physical characteristic of KOH (potassium hydroxide)?What are the chemical reactions that accept KOH (potassium hydroxide) as reactant?

Questions related to product H2O (h2o)

What are the chemical and physical characteristic of H2O (potassium hydroxide)?What are the chemical reactions that have H2o (water) equally product?

Questions related to product K2S (potassium sulfide)

What are the chemic and physical characteristic of K2S (potassium hydroxide)?What are the chemical reactions that take K2S (potassium sulfide) as product?


H2S + 2KOH = 2H2O + K2S | Chemical Equation
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Equations with H2S as reactant

hydrogen sulfide


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