
Gunpowder 7 Days To Die

You need to go far from Nitrate and Coal. Otherwise you lot tin can notice it randomly in loot pools around thw world but never in any great quantity. You get more blindside for your materials if you do it at a chem ctation too.

Originally posted past YamaKami:

You demand to make information technology from Nitrate and Coal. Otherwise you tin can find it randomly in boodle pools around thw world simply never in whatsoever great quantity. You get more than bang for your materials if you do it at a chem ctation too.

k so and then where practice i get a heck lot of nitrate and coal?

Originally posted past !(german language ^wolf)!:

Originally posted by YamaKami:

You need to make it from Nitrate and Coal. Otherwise you tin observe it randomly in loot pools around thw world but never in any great quantity. You become more than bang for your materials if you practise it at a chem ctation too.
thousand so so where do i get a heck lot of nitrate and coal?

Mine it. You find gravel patches on the surface and chase them downwards to bed stone.

Originally posted by YamaKami:

Originally posted by !(gerMAN ^wolf)!:

g and then then where do i get a heck lot of nitrate and coal?

Mine it. You lot find gravel patches on the surface and chase them down to bed rock.

damit was fearing this is the only sollutions but ty anyways

Du kannst Felsen zerschlagen aber effektiver sind diese reinen Vorkommen. Nitrat und Kohle findest du im verbrannten häufig, ebenso im Schneegebiet und Kohle auch often in der Wüste.
2-3000 haste da schnell zusammen, entsprechendes Werkzeug und Skills vorausgesetzt......

Originally posted by !(gerMAN ^wolf)!:

Originally posted by YamaKami:

Mine it. Yous find gravel patches on the surface and chase them down to bed stone.
damit was fearing this is the merely sollutions but ty anyways

information technology's not the only sollution, you can get gunpowder in small quantities from random zombies, or you could search Tree Stumps (commonly spawns abuntantly in the snow biome) they sometimes have up to 40 gunpowder (on 100% loot), and there'south an added chance for med kits and antibiotics, nightvision goggles, and so on, and so you'll get more than out of it than just gunpowder, it'll be worth your time, merely once y'all outset up your earth, if it's new, you should give the game about 3 days to really spawn in a lot of tree stumps.

You can get coal from the burnt biome, from chopping trees and other things, and mining. You can go both coal and nitrate from mining rocks higher up ground, only once those run out you lot'll have to start digging underground


26 Aug, 2017 @ 3:07am

smash up the smaller boulders to, they requite a higher yield in these materials. Yous can too find surface piles of both. You lot will see black or white rocky piles, that are quite abrupt and stand out from their environment.

Originally posted by Naomi:

Originally posted by !(high german ^wolf)!:

damit was fearing this is the only sollutions but ty anyways

information technology's not the only sollution, you can get gunpowder in pocket-size quantities from random zombies, or you could search Tree Stumps (commonly spawns abuntantly in the snow biome) they sometimes take up to 40 gunpowder (on 100% loot), and in that location'southward an added run a risk for med kits and antibiotics, nightvision goggles, and so on, and so you'll get more out of it than simply gunpowder, information technology'll be worth your time, just once you outset upward your world, if information technology'due south new, you should requite the game about 3 days to really spawn in a lot of tree stumps.

There is no other method that will consequence in whatever large amounts of gunpowder. You'd exist lucky to become enough that style to make information technology through a single horde night. Mining is vastly superior then far every bit coming upward with any decent quanity of gun powder.

Originally posted by stupidspacebitch:

You can get coal from the burnt biome, from chopping trees and other things, and mining. Y'all tin can go both coal and nitrate from mining rocks above basis, but one time those run out y'all'll take to start earthworks clandestine

And you will have meager amounts of gun powder to testify for it. Mining again is the best way to go well-nigh this.

Originally posted by Lung:

boom upwards the smaller boulders to, they give a higher yield in these materials. You tin also detect surface piles of both. You will see black or white rocky piles, that are quite sharp and stand out from their environment.

Iget the feeling many of you are new, terrible at the game, or use very little amuntion and so far as types requireing gunpowder are concerend.

Originally posted by YamaKami:

Originally posted by !(german ^wolf)!:

k so then where do i go a heck lot of nitrate and coal?

Mine it. Yous find gravel patches on the surface and chase them down to bed rock.

In A16 they changed yields. Mine the surface rocks instead. There is zip indicate in making an bodily mine in the latest version, as surface rocks are far more efficient now. Unless you actually savour doing that of course.

Just look for areas on the map dotted with boulders and hit them with a pick. With the right perks and equipment, you lot can pull ingredients to make 5000 Gun Pulverization in almost half a game solar day. You lot will also pull nearly 15k Fe and way more Rock than you'll ever need at the same fourth dimension. It is at present far more efficient than mining underground.

In addition, in the dark greenish (when viewed on the map) foresty biome, the clusters of surface boulders are much bigger than they used to be, often sprouting xv+ boulders on a single clay patch, and so information technology's fifty-fifty more ridiculous there. You will not have to travel far to make silly dizzy amounts of gun powder.

Last edited by Ghostlight; 26 Aug, 2017 @ iv:26am

Originally posted past Ghostlight:

Originally posted by YamaKami:

Mine it. You detect gravel patches on the surface and chase them downwards to bed rock.

In A16 they changed yields. Mine the surface rocks instead. There is zero point in making an actual mine in the latest version, equally surface rocks are far more efficient now. Unless yous really savor doing that of class.

Just look for areas on the map dotted with boulders and hit them with a pick. With the right perks and equipment, y'all can pull ingredients to brand 5000 Gun Pulverization in nearly half a game twenty-four hours. You will as well pull nigh 15k Iron and way more Stone than you'll ever need at the same time. It is now far more efficient than mining hugger-mugger.

In addition, in the dark light-green (when viewed on the map) foresty biome, the clusters of surface boulders are much bigger than they used to exist, oft sprouting 15+ boulders on a single dirt patch, so it'due south fifty-fifty more ridiculous there. You will not have to travel far to make silly silly amounts of gun powder.

You state this as if I take not played A16. Mining is the best way (even in A16) to get more than a bandaid solution amount of ore. Y'all didn't agree with this in A15 either, and for some time have been enamoured with the resource rocks. Which are not a amend method and will non yield anywhere near equally much as mining ore deposits.

Last edited by YamaKami; 26 Aug, 2017 @ 4:29am

Surface boulders are the easiest mode to begin with. Mining will get you way more. Finding ane one-half reasonable nitrate deposit while mining will get you more nitrate in a few minutes than one-half a day of boulder harvesting. Where yous notice one deposit, there will be more than nearby. Coal and nitrate deposits are a lot more arable in a 16 than they were in a15. Mining will as well get you heaps of rock, iron and sand.

Y'all state this as if I have not played A16. Mining is the best manner (even in A16) to get more than a bandaid solution amount of ore. You lot didn't agree with this in A15 either, and for some fourth dimension accept been enamoured with the resource rocks. Which are not a improve method and will not yield anywhere near as much as mining ore deposits.

I'm the miner for 3 trigger happy friends. Pulling up to 10k gunpowder a day from suface rocks. Readers can believe me or you. Shrug. Like I said, they Changed it. Day 40 and we accept 2 chests merely containing Raw Atomic number 26 - we cannot smelt information technology fast enough with six Forges. Nosotros have more gun powder than we tin can use (like 20k surplus). And I take not ventured much further than 0.5 km from our new base (in night dark-green biome as I said) to achieve this. No need to become off into remote biome to detect the right ore. Bandaid solution huh?

Not to mention information technology is super efficient to gather Clay, Goldenrod and Cotton fiber at the same time if you lot need those. AND y'all get Coal and Nitrate in equal quantities from surface boulders. Gun pulverization needs both. Good luck earthworks a mine that supplies you with both.

To quote Robert Shaw in Jaws, "Don't you tell me my business once more, Mr Hooper."

Last edited by Ghostlight; 26 Aug, 2017 @ six:42am

Originally posted by 3delinquent:

Surface boulders are the easiest manner to begin with.

No, they suck to brainstorm with. They soon out-pace mining.

Originally posted past Ghostlight:

Originally posted by 3delinquent:

Surface boulders are the easiest fashion to brainstorm with.

No, they suck to brainstorm with. They soon out-pace mining.

Y'all clearly suck at mining to be able to state something so incredibly inaccurate. In my all-time "donald trump" voice re: job as a miner.... Yous're fired :P

Last edited by YamaKami; 26 Aug, 2017 @ 6:19am

Gunpowder 7 Days To Die,


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