
How Do I Add Best Offer To My Ebay Listing

eBay Best Offers for sellers: your key to unlocking maximum sales on eBay

eBay Best Offers Seller's Guide header

Some sellers on recollect information technology's not in their interest to make utilize of eBay'due south All-time Offers feature. They may remember that entertaining offers below their regular sale price isn't worth their time. In truth, however, that'southward non always the case.


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eBay'southward Best Offers can give you the tools to move the listed products y'all have difficulty selling, helping you earn a lot more than money than you otherwise would have. This article will bear witness you how information technology's done, and give y'all advice on how to get the almost out of it.

What is covered in this commodity:

  • Why sellers on eBay need to apply Best Offers to brand money
  • 4 more reasons why eBay Best Offers increases sales for sellers
  • How utilise the All-time Offers features as a seller
    • How to add the Best Offer option to your items
    • How to take, counter, or decline a All-time Offer
    • How to set an offer auto-decline
  • Tips for dealing with heir-apparent requests
  • 9 eBay Best Offers tips for sellers

We'll start with the most basic question: what makes the Best Offers feature useful?

Why sellers on eBay need to employ Best Offers to make coin

Offering money for a product

eBay sellers need to use Best Offers considering information technology gives their customers more than purchasing options. They may non want to go far a behest war over an item, just they as well may non desire to pay a fixed toll that – past eBay's rules – is at least xxx% more than expensive than the starting auction cost.

Past assuasive Best Offers on your items, you brand your item bachelor to shoppers who would otherwise pass it by if it was only being sold in an sale or at fixed price. That increases your chances of actually selling your particular, which is far better than having information technology sit in your house or storage and not make whatsoever money for you at all. Travel booking companies have been doing this for years with hotels, flights, car rentals, and more.

4 more reasons why eBay All-time Offers increases sales for sellers

eBay's Best Offer system lets you practice far more than simply mere haggling, though. Here are 4 powerful tools it has that aid yous barter similar a pro.

1. Set price limits to automatically accept or pass up offers.

If you lot're worried that it would be too time-consuming to respond to every offer, relax – yous don't have to! In nearly cases, y'all can set your listing to automatically accept an offering to a higher place a certain price you'd exist happy with, and/or automatically reject offers that don't meet a toll y'all aren't willing to go below.

Setting price limits on a Best Offer

2. Make counter-offers, even to multiple buyers at a time.

If a buyer offers you a price that'south a fiddling low, just all the same in the ballpark of what y'all're willing to accept, you can respond with a toll that's a petty more reasonable. You can usually practice this upwards to v times with the same heir-apparent.

Plus, if y'all receive multiple offers on the same detail, you can make counter-offers on each of them. The heir-apparent who accepts theirs first gets the item, and then it'due south similar you're having an auction – but the buyers don't know it!

3. Send custom offers to specific buyers.

Custom offers take a number of handy applications; for instance, you lot tin can bear witness a buyer in a foreign state an upfront price for your item that includes costs like shipping or customs duties – without having to change the information on the listing itself.

Y'all can besides practice things similar privately give loyal customers discounts, or add together extra items to an offer to entice a buyer to take it. In short, it's a way to personalize a buyer's shopping feel, and that level of client service volition probable accept them coming back to buy from you over again.

4. Offer a deal on buying multiples of an item.

Another thing you can do with custom offers is requite a discount to someone who wants to buy more than one of the aforementioned item from yous at a time. For case, if you have a fairly large quantity of an item selling for $25 a piece, and a buyer inquires about making a bulk purchase, you can make an offer to sell them ten for $200.

How apply the Best Offers features as a seller

And then at present that y'all have some ideas about why  using Best Offers is a smart selling motility, you lot may be wondering: " How do I really practice information technology?" We'll requite you a quick walkthrough hither.

How to add the All-time Offering option to your items

At that place are two ways to add a Best Offer to an item, depending on whether you're using eBay's quick list tool or advanced listing tool (and we'll assume that you already know you take to be logged into your eBay account to start a listing, along with where you lot have to get to start one).

If you're using the quick listing tool:

  1. Start a list and choose to sell it at a stock-still toll.
  2. Click Alter Listing Preferences at the superlative of the page and select Enable More Options .
  3. In the "Pricing" department, click More Options and then Permit Offers .
  4. Type in a cost below which you will auto-refuse offers (optional).
  5. Finish your listing.

Allowing Best Offers using the quick listing tool


You tin can't add together a Best Offers option to an auction-fashion listing made with the quick list tool; you'll need the advanced listing tool for that.

If you're using the advanced listing tool:

  1. Start a listing.
  2. Nether "Selling Details," select Allow Buyers Make Offers .
  3. To machine-accept offers, select Automatically Accept Offers Of At Least and type in a cost.
  4. To automobile-reject offers, select Automatically Decline Offers Lower Than and enter a price.
  5. Complete your listing.

Allowing Best Offers using the advanced listing tool

PRO TIP: Limits on auction-manner Best Offers

Be aware that if y'all allow Best Offers on an auction-mode listing, as soon as someone bids on your detail, all current offers on it are canceled and no further offers can be made on it until the sale is over. The only exception is if the initial bidder retracts their bid.

As well keep in mind that All-time Offers tin't be used on auction-style listings for items in the "Cell Phones," "Motors," "Real Estate," "Tablets," or "Tickets" categories.

How to take, counter, or reject a All-time Offering

Once an offer comes in for one of your items, eBay volition email you lot. From there, you take three choices: you can have the offer, make a counteroffer, or reject the offer.

The procedure for all three of them is rather similar – after logging into your eBay account, follow these steps:

  1. Movement your mouse cursor over My eBay and select Selling .
  2. Click Active in the carte du jour on the left side to bring up a list of your agile listings. (You can likewise click Open up Offers  in the menu at the top of the main screen to come across only Best Offers.)
  3. Click Respond to Offer abreast the offering you wish to review.

To have the offer:

Click the Accept Offering  button. Then become ready to transport your particular(s)!

To create a counteroffer:

Click the Brand a Counteroffer  button. Then click the box labeled "Your Counteroffer Toll" and type in the cost you want to offer. You can also click in the box labeled "Additional Items" and blazon in any further details about your offering (a polite message would be nice!).

When you're washed, click Review Offer  and then Submit Counteroffer .

To reject the offer:

Click the Decline Offer  button.

Options for responding to a Best Offer
(Prototype source: Imgur)

PRO TIP: Entertain as many offers as you lot tin can

Failing a Best Offer right off the bat rarely makes sense for a seller. Brand a counteroffer – no matter how large – that is a realistic corporeality you are willing to accept. This helps the buyer understand how flexible you'll be with the cost. Simply consider outright declining if they continually brand the same offer, or increase their offers past less than 25% of the difference in your counteroffer.

How to set up an offer auto-decline

Auto-decline is a function on eBay that volition automatically reject Best Offers on your listing if the toll is below a certain point. Utilize it when you lot are sure of an detail'southward value and know that there's a cost point below which you aren't willing to let information technology go.

Yous can set upward auto-decline using eBay's quick listing tool by clicking Modify Listing Preferences , and then Enable More Options . Then in the "Pricing" section, click More than Options , and and so Permit Offers . A box volition announced that will allow you to set a price at which you lot'll auto-refuse offers.

How to auto-reject offers with the quick listing tool

If y'all're using eBay's avant-garde list tool, ringlet to the "Selling Details" department and enable the Allow Buyers Brand Offers  option. When y'all do, the Automatically Decline Offers Lower Than  option will become available. Select it, and then click in the box beside it and enter your price limit.

How to auto-reject offers using the advanced listing tool

eBay Practiced Tips: Making the near of auto-decline

Here are iii quick tips for using machine-pass up:

1. Before you employ auto-decline, go along in mind that some people intentionally submit low offers just to check that they're dealing with an honest seller and non a scammer or robot. If they're machine-rejected past you, they may not recall information technology's safe or worthwhile to endeavor to transport you offers in the future.

2. Be absolutely sure of the price bespeak below which y'all'll car-reject. If someone makes an offer for even 1 cent less, they'll be car-declined and you'll miss the risk to negotiate with them.

3. Set your auto-decline price to be a few dollars less than your absolute lowest price signal. That allows you to all the same grab offers from serious buyers who start with low bids out of cautiousness, while ignoring those from depression-ballers looking to score an unreasonable deal.

Tips for dealing with buyer requests

Buyers may sometimes ask questions or make requests when they submit their offers. eBay'due south buying practices policy spells out what is acceptable and what is not in these cases. In brusk:

A buyer can… A heir-apparent cannot…
Ask to employ an alternating shipping pick that you've specified in your listing Ask for alternating shipping or payment options that aren't specified in a listing
Ask if information technology's okay to delay paying you briefly due to infrequent circumstances Ask for extra items (unless they're part of an offer or counteroffer you made)
Inquire to return an item, in line with the return policy you've set for that detail Threaten you with negative feedback or a seller complaint example if you lot don't have their offering, or promise a refund across what your listing specified
Inquire to combine aircraft for purchases (though the shipping costs, if included, for an item on offering employ only to that particular) Inquire yous to make them an offering outside of eBay, including sending you contact data for communicating with them outside of eBay as part of their offer

With all of those things in heed, here are some pointers for how to bargain with times when buyers add together additional information to their offers.

1. Use the communication tools bachelor to y'all.

Though you lot're somewhat limited to emails within eBay's system and messages included with offers, still do what you can to communicate with buyers. It's much easier to solve problems and negotiate off-white prices if both you and the heir-apparent each know where the other stands.

eBay's internal email system

2. A counteroffer is almost always ameliorate than a declined offer.

Even if you think a buyer's offering is unreasonable, it's ordinarily a good idea to send them a counteroffer anyhow. Explaining in your offer where y'all're coming from and what you believe to exist a reasonable deal gives yous a much better chance of reaching an agreement than outright failing an offer or letting information technology expire.

3. Be as polite equally you can – your reputation is at stake.

We mentioned to a higher place that buyers tin't force your paw in a deal past threatening you with negative feedback – that violates eBay'due south feedback extortion policy. However, they can however leave you negative ratings if you lot treat them poorly, and squandering your seller rating similar that is ane of the worst mistakes yous can brand on eBay equally a seller. Endeavour your best to be accommodating to buyers, and y'all'll find that they're more probable to both charge per unit you positively and be more accepting of your offers and counteroffers.

four. If a buyer won't budge, remind them that they have other purchasing options.

If a buyer is existence stingy with the prices they're offering, politely remind them that All-time Offers is non the only way they can purchase your detail. Depending on how you've set your listing, they can use the Buy It At present office to skip the haggling and just go the item without worrying nigh losing out to a better offering. They tin can likewise just bid on information technology at auction.

5. If all else fails, written report the buyer and block them.

If a buyer is consistently beingness unreasonable and/or committing any of the buying practices violations nosotros listed to a higher place, y'all tin can study them to eBay. This may result in them losing their buying and bidding privileges either temporarily or permanently. You can report a buyer by post-obit the instructions here. You may also want to block the user from sending you offers or bidding on your items.

How to set up a blocked user list on eBay

9 eBay Best Offers tips for sellers

Here are a few more general tricks for eBay sellers on how to get the most out of using the Best Offers option.

1. Know when to brand the telephone call that y'all need to use a All-time Offer.

Generally, there are three criteria that your item should come across (at least one of) before yous brand it bachelor for Best Offers:

  1. You're selling information technology only to get rid of information technology; any amount of money you make on it is fine
  2. You demand to sell it quickly but aren't sure it will exist in high demand
  3. You have a good idea of what information technology's worth, and so what a fair cost would be

ii. Practise research into the value of your particular.

Examining the condition of an object to determine its value

If y'all had trouble selling your detail at a fixed cost or at auction because the price was too high, you're going to take the same problem with Best Offers. Wait effectually for what like items are selling for – even on other sites similar eBay – to get an idea of what a reasonable price might be.

3. Have emotion out of your sale.

Think that when yous list something for sale on the Internet, the person interested in it doesn't have the zipper to information technology that y'all do. They don't care that this antique has been in your family for 4 generations. They don't intendance that it belonged to your grandmother, or how much you paid for it, or that information technology might be special to you. The moment y'all list something, y'all demand to approach information technology with a business heed-fix – not an emotional i.

4. Make sure the key words in your listing are spelled correctly.

You'd recollect this would be pretty bones, but there are tons of listings on eBay that have spelling mistakes in the item'southward central descriptive words (such as the brand or model name). And information technology's a bigger deal than you might realize.

An eBay listing with a key word in its title misspelled

Y'all encounter, when people search for the correctly-spelled terms, listings with incorrect variations normally won't bear witness up. And if buyers can't find your listing, that'due south a HUGE trouble. Every bit your misspelled list goes on without a decent amount of attention or offers, and yous become drastic to sell, you end up giving away a lot of bargaining power to the few buyers who manage to find it.

Avert putting yourself at a disadvantage like this by making sure to cheque the spelling of of import words in your listing.

5. Be active in reviewing your offers.

"Interesting Man" meme on paying for shipping

When yous first offset using Best Offers, nosotros suggest that you not  prepare car-accept or auto-reject limits for your initial handful of items. Take the time to review offers that come in so that you become a sense of what people are willing to pay for particular items. That volition give you guidelines on prices that y'all'd be happy with or unwilling to take.

6. Endeavour to offer full costs up front.

We mentioned this earlier, but a neat trick you tin do with custom offers or counteroffers is adjust the cost of an particular for a specific heir-apparent to account for costs similar aircraft and taxes. Customers like information technology when they tin can see the total price of the item up front, as opposed to seeing a lower toll with extra costs tacked onto it.

7. Reply apace.

Different an sale bid or Buy It Now buy on eBay, a Best Offer isn't legally binding until it's really accustomed. It's also automatically rejected if no action is taken on it for 48 hours, so stay on tiptop of your offers! The more active you lot are in negotiations, the less likely your potential buyers will lose interest and let the bargain fall through.

8. Check buyer feedback.

An example of an eBay user's feedback scoreWhen a buyer submits an offer, it's okay to exist a chip skeptical. If y'all retrieve it's too skillful to exist true, or way likewise low to be reasonable, check the user's feedback score. That tin can assist you determine if they're serious almost negotiating for your particular, or but throwing in something with the hopes that you'll accept information technology.

nine. Cheque historical sales (which may require third-party services).

The final prices that eBay shoppers pay for Best Offers aren't always shown in the completed listings. Consider using tools similar the ones on to meet if they tin can help you find this information. This will help give you a amend idea of how much interest there is for offers on your item, as well as what people are willing to pay for similar items.

Completed eBay listings with Best Offers on

How Do I Add Best Offer To My Ebay Listing,


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